
Michael Kerstgens, Philippshalle Düsseldorf, 1986 © Michael Kerstgens, 2025

Enlarge image: Fotografie, auf der mehrere dunkel gekleidete, junge Menschen über eine Absperrung schauen, eine reckt eine Faust in die Höhe


8 March - 11 May 2025
Fotografie Forum Frankfurt

Since the 1980s, documentary photographer Michael Kerstgens (*1960, Wales, GB) has focused on long-term photographic essays dealing with social-political changes. The exhibition shows in a comprehensive way how our living environments have changed over time, in particular from an industrialised community to a consumer and leisure society.

Michael Kerstgens grew up in Mülheim a.d. Ruhr and became known for his photographs of the British miners’ strike of 1984/85. It was here that he lived with a family of strikers, which influenced his photographic development and his own outlook on society. As a freelance photographer, Michael Kerstgens worked internationally in the magazine and corporate fields before devoting himself to teaching. After academic assignments in Frisia and Dessau, he has been Professor of Photography at University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt since 2007.

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Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
Braubachstraße 30-32
60311 Frankfurt

+49 (0)69 29 17 26

U: 4, 5 (Dom / Römer) Tram: 11, 12, 14 (Römer / Paulskirche)
TUES – SUN 11 am – 6 pm

largely barrier-free

WC wheelchair accessible

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