
© Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Sven Tränkner

Fassade mit Eingangsbereich zum Altbau des Senckenberg Naturmuseum mit Bäumen an den Seiten und Skulpturen auf dem Dach

Dauerausstellung © Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Sven Tränker

Dinosauriersaal mit mehreren Saurierskeletten und Kindergruppen

Aha Forschungswerkstatt © Senckenberg Naturmuseum

Zwei Erwachsene und zwei Kinder haben das Fell eines Dachses in der Hand und streicheln darüber, im Hintergrund das Skelett eines Tieres in einer Vitrine

Ausstellung © Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Michael Frank

Besucher*innen und Führerin vor einer großen Vitrine mit vielen Ausstellungsstücken im Senckenberg Naturmuseum

Raumansicht Korallenriff © Senckenberg Naturmuseum, Foto: Sven Tränkner

Ausstellungsvitrine im Senckenberg Naturmuseums mit einem von der Decke hängenden Rochen

Senckenberg Naturmuseum

The Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum in Frankfurt is one of the largest natural history museums in Germany.

The museum shows the variety of life today and the evolution of creatures and transformation of our earth over millions of years. Behind the museum is the research network of the Senckenberg Society for Nature Research, which presents new research findings from all areas of biology, paleontology, and geology in the museum. In an impressive manner, the museum showcases more than 10,000 extraordinary exhibits, including the largest collection of dinosaur species in Germany. In addition to the giant dinosaurs, the Senckenberg exhibition also features countless beetles and shimmering butterflies, a colorful bird world, and the amazing inhabitants of the seas. A highlight of the museum is the themed areas "Deep Sea" and "Marine Research," as well as the representation of an Indonesian coral reef, which make the incredible underwater habitat experienceable with all the senses. The "Aha?! Science Lab" is the interactive area of the Senckenberg Natural History Museum in Frankfurt. Here, both young and old visitors can get actively involved: examining fascinating objects from nature, assisting with real research projects, and engaging in conversations with Senckenberg scientists.


Bistro in Senckenberg Naturmuseum

The Senckenberg Bistro offers light and more substantial refreshments in a relaxed atmosphere. The museum shop not only sells fascinating and informative books but also a large selection of souvenirs and gifts.

+49 (0) 69 7542 1333

+49 (0) 69 7680 3929

View location on Google Maps

Senckenberg Naturmuseum
Senckenberganlage 25
60325 Frankfurt

+49 (0)69 75 42 0

S: 3, 4-6 (Westbahnhof)
U: 4, 6, 7 (Bockenheimer Warte / Senckenbergmuseum)
Tram: 16 (Bockenheimer Warte)
Bus: 75 (Senckenberg Naturmuseum)

MO – TUE, FRI 9 am – 5 pm
WED 9 am – 8 pm
SAT – SUN 9 am – 6 pm
largely barrier-free

largely barrier-free

WC wheelchair accessible

WC wheelchair accessible

Help for people with visual impairments

Help for people with visual impairments

Help for people with hearing impairments

Help for people with hearing impairments

suitable for children

suitable for children

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